Last night I took a nice little trip to Pretentious-ville a.k.a. a gallery opening (This will be important later). Free beer, but tons of party poopers. No camera's allowed. Chill out, I don't want to take pictures of your crappy coat hanger Jesus sculpture thing; I like to take pictures of my friends drunk and crude and post them on the internet in a weird attempt to embarass them. Whatever.
Anyway meet Harry Potter (right).
Harry Potter is a 21 year old who cannot drink. Harry Potter likes to find the most expensive thing in the house and barf on it. Example, my wireless internet router. It is very cat-like behavior.
Anyway, a few months ago Harry decided that it would be awesome to barf all over my friends living room and the next morning barf on my shoes at work WHILE SCANING SOMEONES GROCERIES.
Being the awesomest co-workers ever, we got him this nice get well card. It went like this:
"Soar like a eagle, shit like a pigeon".
I guess Harry took these words of wisdom to heart because again this morning at work, he had to steal the limelight and barf all of his free art show beer all over someones groceries. Again.
Someone give me a raise because I think this makes me the Employee of the Year because I really feel like I have my shit together.
Poor little guy. That's a shitload of vomiting.
He's the Pablo Picasso of puke.
Sounds like he just eats puke all day.
I got a stomach virus last year and was puking so hard I pooped in my pants.
i am so confused...
Does he puke up butterbeer?
harry potter rules
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