Normally, reading these old journal are painfully embarassing, and I am reading them to myself by myself, written by myself, for myself...what the hell? They creep me out, and I don't know why anyway, I found this simple entry quite a jem. Don'y fret, it is short and sweet:
11/1/2001 (i was 20, and already a potty mouth)
Bobby's redneck mother called me bright and early this morning to inform me that she would be over shortly to "CLEAN MY CLOCK"?!? Seeing as how I will be laid off work by Tuesday, I kind of hope that bitch does. Plus I could use a new car......."
She never showed up that day, and I never got that dream lawsuit I was hoping for. Seeing how I still did not understand NASCAR or Monstertruck Rallies, I would have set my hopes a bit lower.
Oh and Mel, since any other Flores is not allowed to visit this page: is it just me, or is it safe to call my niece an asshole. People get all weird about calling little kids assholes, but from my understanding, she was doing what she does best on Sunday......
14 years ago
Haha wee! I love I get secret entry.
I would say she was grumpy and kind of being an asshole. However, since my sister's 4-year-old was being an even bigger asshole, it was somewhat hard to notice. Plus there was an 18-month old kid that was into EVERYTHING. His mom needs a lasso.
PS. How do you lock down your site? Must have.
I blocked the computer at my moms house on accident and just left it that way. Not that my mom is going to google "E Flo." I feel bad but Maria drives me insane!!!
Too bad about your dream lawsuit not working out, maybe the chance will come back. But hopefully not.
Who says "clean your clock?!"
I call my nephews names to people in private alll the time. I can't wait till they are old enough to take it, and maybe dish out some names of their own.
I got knocked out by a girl, once. Only time I have ever been knocked out by a punch. She was like 6'2", tho. I had sex with her later.
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