I have been thinking about getting another dog. I don't think Sailor could handle it. He tried to bite a cute fat English Bulldog yesterday just because I pet him. I don't know what to do!! I want a colony of puppies with big, silly googley eyeballs. TONS.
I have two nights left to get my fill of Haunted Houses. I am going back to Wiards tonight, and hopefully it was as rad as it was last year!!!! Wish me luck; I plan on wrestling a werewolf. xo.
: )
I had a half wolf, half shepherd mix once. It almost killed a Jack Russell terrier that nipped at me once. He picked it up in his mouth, shook it and tossed it. I lold when the owner threatened to sue me and a bunch of hippies sitting at the brew pub were like "We saw that shit, your dog bit first, man."
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