This chick totally got her wings last night.......
My friend, Turbow (yes, she does have the most BAD ASS last name in the entire world; if she was a guy a would marry her just to "Emily Turbow") almost barfed during this.
"It is so crowded in her. How is she going to walk around with all that shit sticking out her back without getting one ripped out?"
And then I almost barfed.
Ray was the sanatation guy, who cleaned up all the blood/glass/bras/cement chucks after each act. Good thing we came sanitized and prepared. He almost got his face ate off.
This was one of the many side show acts. This dude laid all over some nails. First he had some chicks stand on him, and then some dude hit him with a sledge hammer.
Exciting, oh I know......
You can totally tell that the hammer guy loves this a bit too much.
I'll be eating fritos and watch "Man Bites Dog" for the 100th time, if anyone would like to join me.
College parties sure are a lot different these days...
That is some crazy shit, I would barf and pass out at the same time. And the hammer guy is the freakiest part of these pics.
what the fuck
God I love this blog
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