Monday, November 10, 2008

love love love

I have an urge to make out with the cab driver who drove me home Saturday night.
Was it because he recognized me from me work?
OH NO, it was not.
Was it because he forgot to turn on the meter for the first mile and a half?
NO, but it was nice, even though it was an accident.
Well, why?
Because he did remember were I worked and was kind enough to drive my cell phone up there and give it to my boss! What a gentleman!

November is "Punch Out" Month! Hoooray!


Krista said...

Nice to have good cabbies, we have ones who forget that where you work is on the other side of town, whoops.

Butchie said...

Sounds like someone has a new stalker!

E Flo said...

him or me?

Butchie said...
