Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cake is good.

I have been the laziest blogger lately. Sorry, guys.
And Butchie, if you find another chick to stalk you I will come to your house and decapitate you.
But anyway, I have posts saved that I start and never finish. Maybe I should should give them all to you at once.

Anyway, my two part birthday was radddddddddddddd.

Part one was and joint party for me and Alexia. I felt like it was my ninetieth birthday because my boss made us weed brownies instead of cake. Seriously, I do not think I have ate such culinary genius since high school. I was going to post pictures, but I look like a wasted waste.

Part two was the fams which was super rad. Jill made me a bad ass cake. Even Julius is edible:

Jill makes a mean cake.

I am 27. Jill made me cake.

I am 27 now, and feel free to tell me I look 21 and I don't look like I partied too hard.



Butchie said...

You look stunning. Let me know when you kick your boyfriend out.

Butchie said...

Oh yeah...

xoxo, indeed.

Highwaisted said...

um that cake is amazing. AMAZING.

Highwaisted said...

also i don't read your blog enough. i need a reminder or something.. maybe that's what subscribing is?

Raymi Lauren said...

slammin cake, you look rad.

Phronk said...

Happy birthday! 27 is a good age. At least you're still sorta "mid-20s". 28 is when it all goes downhill.