From: jakegittes
Subject: [no subject]
Date: 27 May 2008, 22:35
hi, i'm looking for a nice young lady to be my grandma. we can go tree hunting in the woods!
Here is his profile pic. I think he's showing off his penis. Way to go, Gramps.

I really, REALLY want a new apartment. My current apartment was built in 1823, no joke. It's going to be summer soon and it will be deadly hot and I will miserable. Poor Sailor Dog has a short little nose and he is forced the spend most of the summer my bedroom, which is the only room in my house with AC so he does not overheat.
Am I totally boring you yet? Sorry, I love my pup.

Ohh, and Friday is the last Tickled Fancy show till fall. Blind Pig! Go check out the hotness!

Sorry, I am in a bloggin rut lately, so enjoy pictures because I am not feeling too clever today.
i'm casully hunting for a new place too. last fm eh? i dunno, my latest addiction is lol
im so bummed that i couldnt go to the tickled fancy show. i am at home doing nothing.
where are you looking to move? i can probably recommend a few places that ive looked at.
That woman with the hula hoop has some nice boobies. Hooray!
Fuck the Blind Pig! Boobs are cool, though.
You also have lovely knees.
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