Monday, May 12, 2008

This man can make me dance like no other...

I saw Charlie Slick again, and man, is he awesome. My camera and I are having a fight again, but here are some older pics of the from last months dance-a-thon:

Charlie Slick

Charlie Slick

Charlie Slick

Not to get all girly, but I have been hearing so many Sex and the City rumors it is making me insane!! Discussing this was making me an embarassing sappy drunk at the bar last night......

Ewwww, and you want to know what else is annoying. When your boyfriends ex-friend who had "relations" with, finds him on MySpace and starts calling him on my phone everyday with all of her problems. So the the relations were like a decade ago, whatever, I let it go. But I got a bit fired up today when I opened my mailbox to see that she sent him a pre-paid cell phone with 600 minutes so they could talk! EW!
I would never want to talk to someone soooo much that I felt the need to by them a fucking cell phone?!
Am I being totally crazy????????

Hello Spring. I broke my sunglasses and captured the depressing moment at the same time. But whatever, I will not let it get me down. Bring it on Spring, I am ever so ready!

My sunglasses fell off my head at this instant.

Hello May 5th


Butchie said...

I had no idea that me talking to your boyfriend would make you so upset.

mimi said...

We (me & the lady friends) are having a celebratory sex in the city party, with pajamas, cosmos and gossip. Trip to see the movie beforehand. I think because of odd schedules it won't be til like June 14.... perhaps you should join in?

Krista said...

Your photos are very pro and spiffy? What kind of camera?!

And yes very ew to the cell phone, desperate much??

dee goldie said...

first of all, the cell phone in the mail is fuckin WAK. and creepy.

second of all omg bubble machine!

E Flo said...

Krista dear, my camera is a Nikon D40.