Saturday, November 24, 2007

Friday I'm in love.

My mom is insane. So are her cats.

I came to this conclusion after I saw her try to take the cats out with a bottle of cleaner.
They were digging in her trash like wild dogs.
She justified her actions by telling me the cleaner is "diluted".

Something just isn't right here.

Friday was awesome. I went to a wedding. Not only was the wedding sweet, but Michael Jackson made an appearance:

And this is why I shouldn't drink. It makes my face swell up, my eyes all funny, and I lose any chances of ever being called photogenic:

Today, I am paying.

1 comment:

Butchie said...

My grandfather had a great technique for chasing off cats. He would put some tuna in a rubber boot. When the cat crawls into the boot, to get the tuna, he would pour turpentine over a dried corn cob. The tail was lifted and the corn cob was then raked across the unsuspecting cat's anus.

"That sombitch will run til you cain't see him."